A long time ago, in a crotch far, far away...

Star Wars geek, pervert, and webmistress SaraAnnette is working at the library. She likes her job, but it gets damn boring sometimes, and so she invented a game to pass the time. It's called The Crotch Game. She inserts the word "crotch" into the title of each book she processes, to hilarious and monotony-busting effect. (Gentlemen Prefer Crotches being a particular favorite.) One day, she runs a web search on Star Wars and comes across a few of the many Star Wars Pants pages, which take SW quotes and inserts the word "pants", a la "You came in those pants? You're braver than I thought!" Sara squeals. "By the Force! It's The Crotch Game!"

In a burst of inspiration, Sara creates The Star Wars Crotch Page. It's funny, but a bit... naughty... so if you're going to get in trouble for reading this, or going to try to get Sara in trouble for writing it, go somewhere else. Otherwise, decide which movie's crotches you want to see:

May the Crotch be with you!